I have always said that I want my classes to be noisy! What I can't handle is demotivated students that are quiet and withdrawn. But when I say noisy, I mean noisy for a reason. I mean the buzzing of meaningful engagement, the creative kind of noise! So here are some tips on how to transform a noisy-without-a-reason class to a creative-noisy class.
Tip 1: Never teach by the book- literally and metaphorically.
Books address to a general audience. They cannot be tailored to your students' needs. Yoy are the one who knows their needs, this is why you have to make choices as to what should be taught and how you should teach it. Don't be afraid to be inventive and flexible. Supplement your book with your own material.
Tip 2: Give your students a variety of activities.
A certain everyday routine is said to give students a feeling of security as to what they should expect in every lesson. Apart from this, though, try to vary the kind of activities you give your students so that they have the chance to practise all four skills. Give them a listening task and ask them to give an oral summary as an after-listening activity. Or a reading passage with no ending and ask them to write their own ending. The ideas are infinite!
Tip 3: Always-and I mean always-be well prepared.
After 17 years of teaching I have come to the conclusion that almost all class management problems stem from...teachers! A well prepared teacher with a carefully planned lesson plan focuses on the process and gives the message that she is determined to get on with her lesson no matter what. Moreover, a well prepared teacher radiates with confidence because she knows what she's doing. Besides, she may even have a back-up plan to deal with anticipated problems. Of course this doesn't mean that you shouldn't allow for flexiblity or change of plan if something doesn't work. But again expertise would guide you into adapting the lesson accordingly .
Tip 4: Let your students be creative.
Avoid extensive TTT(teacher talking time). Don't do all the thinking and all the talking for them. Instead focus on giving clear instructions and let them do the rest. You'd be amazed at what children can come up with if they feel that you trust them.
Tip 5: Let them interact with each other.
A noisy class needs to be expressed anyway. Let them channel all this energy to a purpose. Let them be noisy for a good reason. Use debates, information-gap filling activities, role plays etc. Don't be afraid to let them mingle in order to gather information. The "chaos" you think they are creating is well worth it. The outcome is almost always more than you expect!
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