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Showing posts from 2024

Summertime and the...reading is easy!

 We are halfway to the beginning of a new school year and I am sure all teachers are trying to rest, empty their minds and enjoy their time off. I hope all of you manage to spend some time with your friends and family and enjoy the sun and the sea. After all, you deserve it!It's been another hectic school year, I guess! However, summer is also a time when we have more free time to read. And except fiction or poetry, we can invest some time in books that will add a little more insight to our job and also contribute somehow to our professional development. Don't let the word "professional" intimidate you. You can combine work with pleasure if you read the right books. The books I am recommending are highly interesting and each has its own merits. Of course, this is what I suggest. You can find many more suggestions if you do a google search. For example, here is another list for 2024 by the Institute for Arts Integration and Steam. You can download the Reading List and